August 8th, 2024 - Replays Included

The 4 Step Formula To Scaling a Business For Only $5...

The Proven Blueprint to Scale Your Business and Achieve Financial Freedom Using Cutting-Edge Psychology and Strategies!

Using Real-Life Case Studies and Proven Techniques Refined Over 23 Years

These results are my own and are not typical. Results will vary. We’ve been doing this for 23 years, with a large audience and a dedicated team.
This is for your education. I just want to share my frameworks.

Join our Interactive 90 min Masterclass- Where You Will Learn The 4 Secrets To Build A Scalable Business Plan!

I Reveal How I've used Partnerships in my SBP to Grow my Business Since 2018

AUGUST 8, 2024

Learn to Create Sustainable Business Growth Strategies with Sal Gutierrez


Test Your Limits

Challenge your perceptions of what partnerships mean and can do for you. SKIP YEARS of trial & error, condensed into just 90 min. Watch yourself actually DESIGN your strategy for business expansion during the Masterclass!



Invest just 90 minutes or one movie on Netflix! This masterclass is packed with ACTIONABLE STEPS and insights. It is all designed to help you get CRYSTAL CLEAR on what it takes to make GREAT PARTNERSHIPS and SCALEABLE BUSINESS.



See exactly what goes into creating a PARTNERSHIP CENTERED business plan. You'll have the tools and strategies needed to break through current limits and significantly boost your business's CAPACITY TO SCALE.


building slos

Ideal for BUSINESS PARTNERS and ENTREPRENEURS who feel stuck in their current growth stage and are eager to REFINE their business model, EXPAND their operations, and BUILD a strong, cohesive team that drives success.

DISCLAIMER: I am tapping into 23+ years of experience. These are MY results. Results not typical. I only give you numbers so you know I’m credible.

My goal is to share my knowledge, I never promise results because that would be unfair.

1 day, Easy To Follow Training |  August 8th , 2024

I'll Guide You Through Every Step!

Hurry! The Challenge Starts Soon – Secure Your Spot Before Time Runs Out.

Discover How To Scale Your Business NOW!

No gimmicks, no monthly rebills…

Learn How To Design Strategies That Drive Transformation, Enhance Team Synergy and Scale Operations for Lasting Success

Join The Master Class to Learn How to Design Your Business Growth Plan

For Just $5...

Lesson 1

The Growth Mindset Foundation

Learn the Essentials and Frameworks of Growth Psychology Identify and Overcome Mental Roadblocks that hold you back. Discover Why this process and the right partners are essential is essential to Establish A Strong Foundation for business expansion, whether you're starting out or aiming to grow.

Lesson 2

Motivational Mastery

Align Your Team with Your Vision. Discover 8 principles to Sustain High Motivation and focus. Learn advanced strategies to avoid analysis paralysis and correct leadership mismanagement. Transform fear into opportunities and Drive Success in today's economy.

Lesson 3

Transformational Power Of Personal Mastery

Master Your Metrics and Unlock your company Potential. Discover the 3-step blueprint to self-mastery, prioritizing impact, and driving growth. Identify and track key metrics to make Data-Driven Decisions that can hugely increase your revenue. Achieve Lasting Success with actionable strategies for continuous improvement.

Lesson 4

3 Keys To Expansion

Explore proven methods to Expand your business with intention and the right partners. Discover 3 essential keys to successful expansion, positioning yourself for Powerful Partnerships. Recognize and utilize your strengths and Foster Collaboration

with the essential skills that create High-Performing Profitable Teams.

What To Expect on Thursday:

7:45 PM EST (New York Time)

We will open the room & just hang out for 15 minutes as everyone enters & settles in. This will be your time to get to know Sal Gutierrez better & have some fun.


We will begin the masterclass officially and dive right in. This 1 day will be jam-packed with vital information. Do not be late. We will start on time!

9:15 PM EST

We will enter into a 15 minute limited Q&A that is for all our Challenger ticket holders. This will be the time that Sal answers the questions that are the most common. However, this will not be direct Q&A where he calls out specific names. For that, you need to be VIP…


This will be when everyone steps into a Zoom room and Sal will invest a minimum of 30 minutes every day answering direct questions and helping VIP members more personally.

3 PM - 6 PM EST - Facebook Group Activity

This will be the most active time inside the Facebook group for our admins, coaches and staff. We encourage our members to be adding their homework here, helping each other out.

Discover How To Scale Your Business NOW!

No gimmicks, no monthly rebills…

Here’s everything You Get Today For Only $5!

Let’s Start Scaling Your Business Today With These Proven Methods…

Benefit 1

The Growth Mindset Foundation

A deep dive into the psychological aspects of growth, helping you to identify and overcome the mental roadblocks that are holding you back.

Are you tired of hitting the same growth barriers and feeling stuck?

Unfortunately most entrepreneurs are getting outpaced in the market by their competitors. And they try a variety of new strategies that seem to work for a bit then it backfire.

With hundreds of products claiming to have the solution it can be confusing to pick one that will work with your circumstances.

This lesson simplifies the process and Establishes a Strong Foundation, whether you are just beginning to expand or looking to reinvigorate your growth efforts. By learning this, you'll Gain Clarity and Direction, making it easier to overcome obstacles and achieve sustainable success.

In this lesson, you’ll discover:

  • Learn how to audit your current mindset, replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Harness the power of visualization to set and achieve ambitious goals, and acquire the tools to see your success and make your goals a reality.

  • Build resilience to thrive in challenging environments and learn the key principles that drive continuous personal and professional growth.

Benefit 2

Motivational Mastery

The 8 simple principles that align and focus you and your team to your vision and goals!

Scaling should NOT be complicated. When you get your foundation right, however many are struggling to maintain momentum in their business.

Motivation isn't just about willpower; it's about strategy.

This lesson equips you with 8 advanced motivational techniques and accountability systems to skip the analysis paralysis portion of your day to help you and your team stay on track.

Don't worry, this isn't outdated knowledge—these strategies are effective right now in the current economy. By mastering these techniques, you and your team will be able to Maintain Focus and Drive and Motivation, ensuring your business continues to grow and succeed.

In this lesson, you’ll discover:

  • Discover my foolproof blueprint for sustaining motivation and enthusiasm for you and your partners even in the face of challenges and learn strategies to keep your team focused on your long-term vision.

  • Implement effective accountability systems by mastering the psychology of motivation and learn to identify and correct team leadership mismanagement.

  • Learn how to understand and conquer fear, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and success.

Benefit 3

Transformational Power of Personal Mastery

The 3-Step Blueprint for Mastering Metrics, Prioritizing Impact, and Unlocking Your Potential!

Understanding and drive can only get you so far True success starts with the discipline of self-mastery.

In this transformative lesson, you’ll explore powerful self-mastery techniques designed to Unlock Your Inner Potential.

You’ll discover the exact methods I have used to uncover, track, and improve the key impact metrics of any business. Keeping You and Your Partners on Track!

You will receive Actionable Strategies for creating Lasting Change through habits and routines that lead to Continuous Improvement and sustained success.

In this lesson, you’ll discover:

  • Develop techniques to control your self-talk and reprogram it for success. Gain the habits and routines that drive personal and professional achievement.

  • Identify and prioritize key tasks and strategies that yield the highest impact, for you business.learn to streamline your efforts on the vital few activities that drive the majority of your results.

  • Utilize metrics to gain clear insights into your business performance, Adapt quickly by Tracking critical metrics to make data-driven decisions that drive growth and efficiency.

Benefit 4

3 Keys To Expansion

The Ultimate Guide to Leveraging Strengths and Building High-Performing Teams

Everything you want out of life comes from other people. It’s more important than ever to expand your business with intention and with the right people.

Expansion shouldn't be overwhelming. With the right strategies, you can scale your business smoothly and effectively.

This lesson provides a blueprint of the three essential keys to successful business expansion, positioning you as a Inspiring Partnership-Ready Leader. By mastering these principles, you'll be able to grow your business in Any Economy with confidence and Achieve Lasting Success.

In this lesson, you’ll discover:

  • Learn how to recognize and utilize your unique strengths and those of your team members to maximize productivity and create synergies.

  • Discover the three essential skills used by the world’s most successful groups to foster collaboration and drive results, ensuring your team adds up to more than the sum of its parts.

  • Explore proven methods to create powerful partnerships that amplify success and drive growth, turning potential into profitable outcomes.

  • Develop a profitable team by understanding and implementing three key indicators of group performance, fostering honest self-awareness and team dynamics for long-term growth.

90 min Training with Me

For Just $5…

Less Than The Cost of Lunch…

That’s right. You can either eat a footlong at Subway today or you can invest one meal with me. I’m pricing this so well on purpose.

I want you to love the training, love the challenge, get a ton of value and fall in love with me. I want you to see the value. Because that way, I’ll have a right to ask you to…

  • Join my Business Breakthrough eXperience…

  • Come to my In-Person events...

  • ⁠Even attend my 2day “Partnership Puzzle” in Utah…

So, don’t worry. I have a plan. But, it’s a plan built around VALUE. My goal? Be more valuable than a Footlong at Subway and I’ve won 🙂

If any of that sounds like you, this Scale Up Success Blueprint Masterclass is designed specifically for YOU.


Proven Expansion Models in This

90 Minute Masterclass



Dear Business owner,

If you want to invest in yourself for 90 minutes and learn the strategies have helped others achieve growth, and provide the lifestyle they desired, let’s talk.

If you want clarity and confidence to make to make informed decision and reduce the fear of taking risks, let’s talk.

If you are tired of going at it alone constantly chasing clients, network partnerships and want to create meaningful business relationships that have the potential to last and feel like family, let’s talk.

Here's The Story:

I used to secretly resent my business for not providing the lifestyle I desire!

Years ago, I was in your shoes.

I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2018 with high hopes, believing owning a business would be the key to being able to spend time with my wife and children. I grew my business into a multi-million dollar industry: yet I had hit a glass ceiling to expand. Here’s what I did:

  • Read every book I could on the topic and purchased classes and courses on my business

  • I invested in numerous communities’ clubs, groups, and masterminds. 

  • I formed joint ventures without fully understanding my partners’ values.

  • I hustled tirelessly, trying to juggle all aspects of my business.

  • I invested and ran stressful, painful & unprofitable deals. Where I had to herd cats to get any results.

The problem with this approach was that I had no control over it.

I followed flawed advice on how to run my business and manage these partnerships.

I didn’t have a solid foundation or the right strategies to build lasting and effective business relationships.

I was making costly mistakes that set me back hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I found myself constantly at the mercy of unreliable partners and inconsistent strategies.

That Is Until 2022.

I Was Tired Of The Constant Setbacks and Could Not Afford Another Failure...

One day, My sick daughter almost died in my arms. Her illness was a wake-up call. I had become self-employed rather than a true business owner, and I wasn’t taking care of my family. At the hospital trying to quietly speak in the bathroom so not to distract the surgery on my daughter happening literally just outside the door.

I was arguing with my to my business partner and hard money lender


“We are going to foreclose on your house”

“The house is under contract and will be sold more than enough to cover your costs and have 30k breathing room for any extra costs. They close in 1 week!”

“We are calling on the loan and per our contract using the deed in leu clause we are entitled to your personal home as well.”

“The flip is on the market we have a buyer it is valued more than the loan. Even if you do call the loan why do you need my personal house to be involved?”

“Per the deed in leu clause we can determine the value of the flip and we have determined it is 100K shy of the loan and that is before we add the extra fees”

I was stunned.

My business partner was trying to cancel my current contract and take both the flip and my personal home!

I burned out, I realized something needed to change. I knew I needed a structured approach, backed by solid principles and strategies that actually worked. I couldn’t afford another failure, not for myself or my family. I started seeking solutions with passion. That’s when I decided to develop a comprehensive system that would allow me to take control of my business and my life.

I poured my heart into research, learning, and refining techniques that would not only grow my business but also provide the lifestyle I desired for my family.

This led to the creation of the Scale Up Success Blueprint.

Now, I’m sharing this proven system with you, so you can learn from and avoid the mistakes I made and achieve sustainable growth, success and build lasting, effective business relationships

Here’s What Sal’s Clients Are Saying About...


Working alongside Sal on the personal development journey has been an absolute delight. His unwavering dedication to personal and professional growth is truly admirable. I have seen first hand his remarkable skills and compassion and guiding and supporting individuals on their transformative paths. I enthusiastically recommend Sal Gutierrez as a coach; confident he offers immense value to anyone seeking his guidance.

Beejel P.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Sal as a client. over several interactions, I have come to discover Sal is a fantastic listener and provides great insights and guidance. He has a big heart, yet very intuitive and gifted with how he supports and guides others. its's his integrity and genuine care for helping others that sets Sal Apart.

John B.

I've enjoyed working with Sal. He's brought a lot of clarity to my business. He always had good answers and been great to help me. He knows what directions go, has a great understanding of the dynamics of a changing market and helped me in ways that I can grow personally and in business to reach my Greatest potential and my goals that I've set.

I highly recommend it.


Working alongside Sal on the personal development journey has been an absolute delight. His unwavering dedication to personal and professional growth is truly admirable. I have seen first hand his remarkable skills and compassion and guiding and supporting individuals on their transformative paths. I enthusiastically recommend Sal Gutierrez as a coach; confident he offers immense value to anyone seeking his guidance.

Beejel P.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Sal as a client. over several interactions, I have come to discover Sal is a fantastic listener and provides great insights and guidance. He has a big heart, yet very intuitive and gifted with how he supports and guides others. its's his integrity and genuine care for helping others that sets Sal Apart.

John B.

I've enjoyed working with Sal. He's brought a lot of clarity to my business. He always had good answers and been great to help me. He knows what directions go, has a great understanding of the dynamics of a changing market and helped me in ways that I can grow personally and in business to reach my Greatest potential and my goals that I've set.

I highly recommend it.

Here’s everything You Get Today For FREE!

Let’s Start Scaling Your Business Today With These Proven Methods…


Exclusive Bonus:

Financial Planning Template

Take control of your business finances with our Financial Planning Template! This exclusive bonus, available for a limited time, is designed to help business owners, particularly those looking to scale their operations, manage their finances effectively.

What You'll Get:

  • Comprehensive Financial Guide: Address key financial needs and challenges with a structured approach to financial planning and management.

  • Customizable Templates: Tailor the financial plans to fit your unique business model and growth objectives.

  • Expert Insights: Gain valuable tips from financial experts on how to optimize your financial strategies.

Why You Need This:

Effective financial planning is crucial for any business aiming to scale. With our Financial Planning Template, you'll be able to:

  • Improve Cash Flow Management: Keep track of your income and expenses to ensure a healthy cash flow.

  • Make Informed Decisions: Use data-driven insights to make strategic financial decisions.

  • Plan for Growth: Develop a clear financial roadmap to support your business expansion.

Act Now!

This bonus is only available for a limited time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to streamline your financial management and set your business up for success. Click the buy button now and get instant access to the Financial Planning Template!


Exclusive Bonus:

Time Mastery Template

Unlock the secret to unparalleled productivity with our Time Mastery Template! This exclusive bonus, available for a limited time, is designed to teach you the art of time blocking, a proven method to maximize your efficiency and achieve your goals faster.

What You'll Get:

  • Step-by-Step Guide: Learn how to effectively allocate your time to different tasks and projects.

  • Customizable Templates: Tailor the time blocks to fit your unique schedule and priorities.

  • Expert Tips: Gain insights from top productivity experts on how to make the most out of every minute.

Why You Need This:

Time blocking is a game-changer for anyone looking to take control of their day and boost their productivity. With our Time Mastery Template, you'll be able to:

  • Increase Focus: Eliminate distractions and stay on track with your tasks.

  • Achieve More: Get more done in less time by organizing your day efficiently.

  • Reduce Stress: Feel more in control and less overwhelmed by your to-do list.

Act Now!

This bonus is only available for a limited time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your productivity. Click the buy button now and get instant access to the Time Mastery Template!


Exclusive Bonus:

Breaking Mental Chains

Unlock your true potential with our Breaking Mental Chains book! This exclusive bonus, available for a limited time, provides you with 101 tips and strategies to overcome mental barriers and achieve your goals.

What It's For:

This book offers practical tools and techniques to identify and eliminate the self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back from achieving your full potential.

How It Benefits You:

Are you tired of feeling like you are your own worst enemy in your business journey? With Breaking Mental Chains, you'll be able to:

  • Identify Limiting Beliefs: Recognize the mental barriers that are preventing you from reaching your goals.

  • Develop a Growth Mindset: Learn how to shift your mindset to one that embraces challenges and growth.

  • Implement Proven Strategies: Apply actionable tips and strategies to break free from self-doubt and procrastination.

Why You Need This:

Mindset is the foundation of success. Without the right mindset, all the tactics and strategies in the world won't help you achieve your goals. With Breaking Mental Chains, you'll gain the mental tools needed to:

  • Boost Confidence: Build the self-assurance needed to take bold steps in your business.

  • Enhance Focus: Stay committed to your goals and avoid distractions.

  • Achieve More: Break through mental barriers and unlock your full potential.

Act Now!

This bonus is only available for a limited time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your mindset and achieve your goals. Click the buy button now and get instant access to Breaking Mental Chains!

Who Is Sal Gutierrez & Why Is He an Expert In Business Expansion and Partnerships?

25 Years | Hundreds of Successful Partnerships | Countless Lives Impacted



I’ve been an Entrepreneur since 2018.

I’ve built several companies, exited a few, and I’ve done property management, I’ve done fix and flips, I’ve done syndication, I’ve done manufacturing, I’ve done consulting, and business development. I have done many things and yet, my passion has always been in creating sustainable business models through effective partnerships and self-mastery.

I love the freedom, lifestyle, and impact that come with being a business owner. My mission is to help entrepreneurs transition into true business owners by creating partnerships that feel like family and achieve genuine business success. This is what I’ve dedicated my career to.

Live Masterclass, Easy To Follow Training |  August 8th , 2024

I'll Guide You Through Every Step!

Hurry! The Challenge Starts Soon – Secure Your Spot Before Time Runs Out.


Why Am I Giving Away My

Best SCALE Training For Just $5?

Don't worry, I'll be honest. Listen, I'm practicing what I preach. This is my "Authority Funnel™."

I want you to have an amazing experience, so you want to join my other programs!

  • Unique learnings from over 23 years of case studies: Our system has been tested and refined through years of real-world application, providing valuable insights into building and growing businesses.

  • Key insights from researching and assisting hundreds of successful partnerships: These partnerships have driven sustainable growth and created lasting business relationships.

  • Introducing the Business Breakthrough eXperience: This challenge is your gateway to a proven framework for achieving business growth. This masterclass is how I invite you in.

  • Inviting you to my mentorship programs, workshops, retreats and consulting services: I want to work with you hands-on. But first, you need to trust me and get value from me. I get it. 

As you can tell, I’ll always be up-front and honest with you.

I want to lead with value. That's it.

DISCLAIMER: Our system has 23+ years of experience. These are OUR results. Results not typical. I only give you numbers so you know we’re credible. My goal is to share our knowledge; I never promise results because that would be unfair.

What Time Is It Worldwide?

Want to know what time it is for you? Check below or check the worldwide time calculator here.

REMEMBER: You get REPLAYS as well. If you can’t make our LIVE sessions, watch the replay. The Facebook Group will be active 24/7 for support anyways.


Who is this for?

This is for any business partner or entrepreneur. Whether where you’re starting from zero or want to expand your established business. This masterclass helps YOU to identify and create a road map to change for sustainable growth and deeper business partnerships.

How is this different from other products?

It works. With over 23 years of proven success, we cultivate partnerships better than any other company by addressing issues at a personal level rather than just a business level. Our approach considers individual motivation styles, helps prevent failures in team dynamics, and identifies action drivers to ensure true synergy within the team. The best part? Our clients love that you don’t need to be an expert to implement these strategies.

Do you offer more in depth help?

YES of Course we would love to work with you! After you purchase your seat at the webinar there will be an option to work with me personally and receive a more in-depth guidance on your business and you teams! I Have a wonderful offer that I think you’re going to love, and I won’t spoil the surprise quite yet.

Can I Promote in the Group?

No. We are under rules and regulations that we abide by. This is about education rather than pitching. Anyone promoting their stuff will be removed. This group is dedicated to learning and implementing the strategies shared in the challenge.

What If I Can’t Make It To The Live Masterclass?

We have you covered! The replay will be available in the group for 3 DAYS after the masterclass, giving you enough time to catch up! If you have any questions, please pop them in the group and we’ll answer them during the training!

Any Other Questions?

If you have a question we haven’t answered yet please get in touch with us via email: [email protected]

When Does The Masterclass Start?

July 25th @ 8PM EST (5 PM PST, 1 AM UK, 5:30 AM IST, 10 PM AEST)

How Do I Get Access To The Masterclass?

When you sign up we’ll email you a link to a private online Facebook group where the challenge will be hosted.Use your primary email address to join the challenge so you’ll be certain to see all communications!You’ll receive the confirmation within 24 hours of joining. If it hasn’t shown up, please check your spam folder.

Now - Time To Master & Finally Unlock How to Scale Your Business…

Join the ‘ScaleUpSuccessBlueprint’ Today!

  • 3-Day masterclass: Access Ticket to the LIVE classes & also limited Q&A with Sal Gutierrez. Learn how to learn how to scale your business!

  • Homework: Get Micro-Steps To Implement As You Learn.

  • Private Facebook Group: Access the group immediately & for 7 days post the ending of the training - Network & learn with like-minded information Entrepreneurs!

  • 3-day Replay Pass - Can’t make it LIVE each day, or want to watch again? You have 3 whole days to catch up! This is needed instead of what is there now.

  • Unique learnings from over 23 years of case studies: Our system has been tested and refined through years of real-world application, providing valuable insights into building and growing businesses.

  • Key insights from researching and assisting hundreds of successful partnerships: These partnerships have driven sustainable growth and created lasting business relationships.

  • Introducing the Business Breakthrough eXperience: This challenge is your gateway to a proven framework for achieving business growth. This masterclass is how I invite you in.

  • Inviting you to my mentorship programs, workshops, retreats and consulting services: I want to work with you hands-on. But first, you need to trust me and get value from me. I get it.